Prvi dan smo morali zapisati pričakovanja, ki jih imamo od programa. Priznam, da ob pisanju svojih nisem bila prepričana, da jih bom dosegla (no, razen tistega, da me bo ponoči na gori namočil dež – v to sem verjela 100 %). Eno mojih pričakovanj je bilo, da bom spoznala nove ljudi in se od njih nekaj naučila. Ker po navadi potrebujem nekaj časa, da se z drugimi povežem, se mi je zdelo to precej nemogoče. Pa se je na koncu še kako uresničilo. Vsak udeleženec je bil tako zanimiva oseba, da sem lahko z vsakim našla neko skupno lastnost, zanimanje ali razmišljanje, če sem se le opogumila, odprla in spustila v pogovor. Vsak udeleženec mi je s svojim pogledom na svet podal novo perspektivo gledanja na življenje. Tako s seboj kot spominek iz Bolgarije hranim 23 novih vodil za življenje, eno za vsakega udeleženca, in sicer s seboj nosim več: dobrosrčnosti, skupnosti, opore, kril, simpatičnosti, smeha, zabave, poguma, ogledal, duše, kreativnosti, gorečnosti, modrosti, ljubezni do učenja, drugačnosti, mirnosti, presenečenj, pozitivnosti, teatralnosti, prijaznosti, znanja, topline in hipnotičnosti.
Poleg družabnih vezi sem se naučila tudi nekaj praktičnih vsebin v zvezi s konflikti, zgodbami in naravo. Najbolje jih lahko opišem z naslednjimi izrazi:
- “I feel because I need.”
- “I’ve never seen a stupid kid; I’ve seen a kid who sometimes did things I didn’t understand or things in ways I hadn’t planned.” (Ruth Bebermeyer)
- “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
- “When hiking, always have a spare shirt and keep changing!”
- “In storytelling we say.”
Najbolj pa mi je v spominu ostal citat iz moje knjižice refleksij »never forget your dreams« – tekom izmenjave sem jih namreč ponovno odkrila in jih od prihoda domov končno spet uresničujem. Izredno hvaležna sem za to izkušnjo in za vse trenutke, ki so me nečesa novega naučili in pomirili nevihto v meni 😉 .
On the first day, we had to write down our expectations for the program. I admit that while writing mine, I wasn’t sure I would achieve them (well, except for the one where I would get drenched by rain on the mountain at night – I believed in that 100%). One of my expectations was to meet new people and learn something from them. Since I usually need some time to connect with others, this seemed quite impossible to me. But in the end, it definitely came true. Every participant was such an interesting person that I could find some common trait, interest, or thought with each of them, if only I dared to open up and engage in conversation. Each participant, with their view of the world, gave me a new perspective on life. So, as a souvenir from Bulgaria, I keep with me 23 new guidelines for life, one for each participant: I carry with me more: kindness, community, support, wings, charm, laughter, fun, courage, mirrors, soul, creativity, passion, wisdom, love for learning, uniqueness, calmness, surprises, positivity, theatricality, friendliness, knowledge, warmth, and hypnotism.
Besides social connections, I also learned some practical content related to conflicts, stories, and nature. I can best describe them with the following phrases:
- “I feel because I need.”
- “I’ve never seen a stupid kid; I’ve seen a kid who sometimes did things I didn’t understand or things in ways I hadn’t planned.” (Ruth Bebermeyer)
- “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
- “When hiking, always have a spare shirt and keep changing!”
- “In storytelling we say.”
But what stuck with me the most was a quote from my reflection booklet, “never forget your dreams” – during the exchange, I rediscovered them and have finally started realizing them again since coming home. I am extremely grateful for this experience and for all the moments that taught me something new and made peace with the storm within me 😉 .