“READY” (Revitalising European youth workers through Activities Derived from Yoga)
One of the key challenges in youth work is ensuring that participants are “ready” for the intended activity. The optimal state of “readiness” includes emotional balance, grounding, and focus. In addition to its positive effects on physical readiness (flexibility, strength, endurance) and mental well-being, yoga has a powerful ability to transform mood, improve focus, and enhance emotional stability.
Research and reports from already implemented projects confirm these valuable effects. For example, at Foxwood Academy in England, where yoga techniques were introduced into the school program in September 2020, the results were impressive: behavioral incidents decreased by 52% and students’ focus significantly improved. This led to a more pleasant overall atmosphere as well as better learning outcomes.
Similar positive effects were observed in youth work within the Youth London organization, which provides support to vulnerable young people across London.
The goal of the READY project is to extend this approach to other youth centers, schools, and institutions across Europe. In efforts to support young people on their journey of growing up, the project aims to collaborate with experts in yoga and youth work to develop and test yoga techniques in various European countries.
Following partners are involved in the project:
Pri projektu READY sodelujejo naslednji partnerji:
Törnströrnska Gymnasiet, Karlskrona, Sweden
Young Souls Karlskrona, Sweden
Belvedere Youth Club, Dublin, Ireland
Nexus Research Co-operative, Dublin, Ireland
Ad Astra, Inštitut za izobraževanje, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Teenyoga Slovenia is involved in the project as external provider.
Project READY is financed by ERASMUS+