For some time now, we have been noticing significant changes in the behavior of young people, either as a result of measures to control the Covid-19 pandemic or as a response to the different lifestyles of today’s generations. Regardless of the cause, we see every day when working with young people from vulnerable groups, as well as with everyone else, that young people have changed.

Changes are manifested in their perception of the world, needs, role models, idols, use of technology and social media, as well as in their ideas about the world. Young people face lower social status, lower selfesteem due to modern influences, exposure to violence, lack of strong and positive role models, and mental distress that leads to the abuse of drugs and other psychoactive substances. We witness all of the above when working with the young people we educate and raise in our organizations.

This led to an increase of mental problems, especially loss of motivation for schooling, lack of goals in life, outbreaks of violence and drug abuse, low self-esteem, self-injury and a high rate of suicide. The biggest problem we see is apathy and a lack of goals in life. We see an increase in cases of young people who do not thrive in the existing systems and therefore seek confirmation in various (dysfunctional) youth groups, which leads to discrimination, violence, crime, etc. Young people want confirmation that they are important, that they can do it, and since they don’t get it, they start looking for attention by causing problems for which they are sanctioned and even more stigmatized.

As a result of what has been written, we have great motivation, and above all the need in all organizations we work with, to direct young people on the one hand to activities that produce results through non-competitive activities, with outdoor activities that will encourage young people to be friends, help each other and have healthy socializing, because will not compete with each other as it is required at every step in real life today. Sports activities will act as a therapeutic and motivational tool for everyday life, and on the other hand, to enable them to experience internationality, as we are witnessing an increase in wars around the world, violence , discrimination, etc.

our Projects are in line with our message to young people, that they meet other young people from all over the world and thus prevent hatred of differences and prevent xenophobia. Our goal is to inform young people that they have the potential for success and to motivate them to continue their education or to join the work process and create a life according to their new standards, empowered, self-confident and above all to help them find their meaning, role and meaning in this world.